This holiday, NHS and NJHS students across the country are finding innovative and unique ways to give back to their communities. Check out their great work and be inspired:

1 . Serve up a delicious meal for your teachers like the Clint High School Lions to show your appreciation for their hard work.

2. Gobble up a little competition to see which group can make the most Thanksgiving dinner boxes; GHS NatStuCo and NHS chapters are challenging their peers to help feed their community’s families this year.

3. Help your community stay warm this winter with a Sock-Tober fest by collecting socks, mittens, and hats for a local homeless shelter– check out the whooping 1000 items that Schmucker Middle School’s NJHS chapter collected.

4. Drive up your school’s competitive spirit like the LHS Honor Society through a canned food drive.

5. Show how thankful your chapter is for your teachers and principals– this year, Anthony High School’s NHS Chapter did so by making Thanksgiving goodie bags.

6. Team up with your local grocery store to round up donations that support providing food for families in need. Do you think your chapter can beat Central DeWitt’s NHS Chapter’s record from last year?

7. Get your craft on like Pat Taylor Academy’s NHS chapter and make plarn from plastic bags.

8. Organize a food drive so families in your community have enough food for this holiday season like North-Grand High School’s NHS chapter.

9. Hosting a hygiene product drive at your school will help ensure your local homeless shelter has the supplies they need for this winter! At Orlando Gifted Academy, NJHS threw a donut party for the homeroom class that brought in the most products for their drive.

10. Keep families warm this winter by putting on a clothing drive like MCS National Honor Society chapter.

About the Author

The National Honor Societies gives your highest-achieving students a place where they can hone their leadership skills and get the recognition they’ve earned. More than an honor roll, the National Honor Societies cultivate ideals such as scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship.

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