NASSP Reacts to State of the Union Address
Today the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) responded to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address:
“School leaders are encouraged by the influx of funds going to public education during this time of need,” said NASSP CEO Ronn Nozoe. “Yet in this unprecedented time, significant investments in educator workforce development are needed. Educators are stretched thin, and without immediate steps to address teacher, principal, and staff shortages and wellbeing, it will continue to be challenging to ensure school communities get the help they deserve. To better serve our students and our communities, we need to make sure there are professional educators in each classroom and each school, the resources to execute safety and wellbeing measures with fidelity, and the infrastructure to sustain a long-term educator and principal pipeline.”
NASSP’s December 2021 nationally representative survey of principals, captured the crisis principals and their students are facing. Findings include:
- School leader job satisfaction is at an ultimate low with almost 4 out of 10 principals (38%) expecting to leave the profession in the next three years.
- 68% of principals report being concerned about the teacher shortage in the 2021-22 school year, with 41% reporting they are “extremely concerned.” Similarly, 68% are concerned about educator burnout, with 44% reporting they are “extremely concerned.”
- More than one-quarter (26%) report that the pandemic had a “great deal” of impact on their inclination to consider leaving their role as principal.
- 9 out of 10 are concerned about student wellness this school year, with 49% reporting they are “extremely concerned.”