
Great leaders in every school committed to the success of each student.

NASSP’s strategy can be reduced to a single word: Learning.

As NASSP launches into its next century, the Board is pausing to consider a series of questions:

  • What will it take for NASSP to thrive in the next decade and beyond?
  • What will NASSP’s stakeholders need to thrive in the next decade and beyond?
  • Why should current & future stakeholders want a relationship with NASSP over the next decade and beyond?

These questions challenge some of our orthodox beliefs. They drive us to renew our understanding of NASSP’s place in the education landscape and in the lives of stakeholders, all of those people—principals included—who we serve both purposefully and profitably. A conventional strategic plan is not the right tool for that renewal. Instead the Board of Directors adopted a new Strategic Intent:

“To develop value-based relationships with key stakeholder segments across the education space, with the long-term goal of being a collaborative platform for building great schools and nurturing great school leaders.”

The NASSP Strategic Intent is complex and ambitious. It calls for NASSP to continuously learn—to refine its understanding of stakeholder needs and challenges, and then to find innovative ways to help school leaders overcome those challenges and most effectively transform education for the future. This brief video describes the process we will undertake.