Just in Time Financial Education: Preparing Students for Life’s Financial Twists and Turns
While the pandemic has wreaked havoc on schools and the landscape of education, it has also had a significant impact on the financial lives of most Americans. Consider the record levels of unemployment, people dipping into retirement funds to pay their mortgages, and a newfound appreciation for the importance of having an emergency savings fund.
If there is one thing to be learned from all of this, it is that students need financial education to be prepared for life after high school. This webinar will address some of the top reasons financial education is vital for today’s students and share a highly flexible and engaging financial education tool. Discover Financial Services and Discovery Education have teamed up to create Pathway to Financial Success in Schools, a no-cost, interactive program designed to empower middle and high school students to take control of their financial futures and achieve their personal goals. National financial education expert, Hilary Hunt, will demonstrate how easily the program’s components can be integrated into both in-person and virtual environments.
Hilary Hunt
Financial Literacy Content Specialist, Discovery Education