Principal Turnover: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions

Nearly 1 in 5 principals leave their schools each year, which can have a domino effect that disrupts student learning and contributes to teacher dissatisfaction and turnover. In this webinar, experts will discuss “Supporting a Strong, Stable Principal Workforce: What Matters and What Can Be Done,” the final report of a research initiative between NASSP and the Learning Policy Institute (LPI), and delve into the causes of principal turnover, the impacts of turnover on teachers and students, strategies that district and school leaders can implement to increase principal retention, and federal and state policy opportunities to support those strategies.
Learn more about the NASSP and LPI research initiative here.
Opening Remarks
JoAnn Bartoletti, NASSP Executive Director
Overview of “Supporting a Strong, Stable Principal Workforce: What Matters and What Can Be Done”
Linda Darling-Hammond, LPI President and CEO
Panel Discussion
Linda Darling-Hammond, LPI President and CEO
Gloria Woods-Weeks, Principal, J.D. Clement Early College High School, North Carolina
Mark Anderson, Principal, Marshall Fundamental School, California
Trevor Greene, Superintendent, Yakima School District, Washington