School administrators throughout the nation feel more isolated and vulnerable as they progress up the career ladder in education.
Teachers also feel a sense of this isolation due to limited content conversations and a lack of mentors. Social networks provide individuals with a sense of belonging and support from others, offering problem-solving assistance and a forum for discussion. Attachment to a network is crucial to the elimination of social isolation and can provide a robust community for on- and off-line discussion that enhances professional growth.
There is little that can’t be solved without constructive discussion. Watch as teachers empower and inspire one another to seek out answers from within their peer groups. View Transcript
Schools are strengthened from within when leaders look beyond the walls of the school and seek external support networks. From retreats to professional development workshops, learn how deepening commitments to external organizations — and to each other — foster strength and flexibility within a school leadership team. View Transcript
A school’s success grows by involving communities and incorporating a learning plan for everyone. How can a school share that model with others? Watch how national networks expand educational progress for schools. View Transcript