The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins Act) is a federal program designed to “develop more fully the academic, vocational and technical skills” of secondary and postsecondary students in preparation for further education and work.
As schools work to implement college and career ready standards for all students, we feel that career and technical education (CTE) has great potential to promote a personalized learning environment for each student through strong curriculum and instruction; increase student achievement through integrated academic and CTE programs; and further engage students in their learning. According to the Association for Career and Technical Education, students participating in CTE programs have graduation rates of over 90 percent, and we should ensure that more students across the country have access to quality CTE programs.
Legislative or Policy Priorities
- H.R. 2353 – Strengthening Career and Technical Education Act for the 21st Century Act and Summary
- Suggestions for H.R. 2353
- H.R. 5587: House Perkins Reauthorization Bill Summary and Analysis
- Middle School Step Act (H.R. 3346/S. 1609)
- CTE Excellence and Equity Act fact sheet