The Wallace Principal PLC had principals from across the country work collaboratively to develop relevant tools that all principals pre-k-12 need in order to do their job more effectively. Grounded in the 5 Wallace Standards and the principles of Design Thinking Methodology, these tools are creative and innovative ways to address some of the most complex challenges school administrators face. The tools are open source that means anyone can adapt them to meet the needs of their own school or district. These tools are considered prototypes and the links and articles are the ownership of the original authors unless otherwise indicated.

Collaborative Conversation Performance Guide Gallery WalkParticipants will observe a simulated professional learning community working to improve their decision making process. Participants will be introduced to a Collaborative Conversation Guide, that provides an evidence base framework relative to student outcomes for structuring conversations around key processes; Instructional Grouping, Instructional Delivery, and Collaborative Culture. The presentation of the Collaborative Conversation Performance Guide will allow for the participants to engage in thoughtful reflection to the work of their PLC’s.
Cultivating School Climate Session PresentationThe purpose of this session is to hear from experienced, knowledgeable principals about how to cultivate a climate that is “Hospitable to Education.” Participants will gain insights and take-aways that will enable them to build their school’s climate by developing Teacher Leaders and learn how to identify, select and train Teacher Leaders.
A Roadmap to Effective PLCs Session PresentationThe Roadmap to Effective PLC’s is an interactive tool that will support the principal in increasing teacher collaboration to improve student achievement. The work begins with a self-assessment that is interactive, customized, and diagnostic. Upon completion of the self-assessment, principals will receive a suggested “onramp” to a specific domain (i.e. building teacher capacity or developing a problem of practice). Within the interactive roadmap tool, leaders will find a variety of resources within each domain such as links to videos, templates, protocols, and rubrics to evaluate progress.
Pro-LIT Literacy Session PresentationThis session will highlight Pro-LIT, a tool which focuses on the use of appreciative inquiry to promote a deep understanding of literacy acquisition and development across content areas. Appreciative inquiry allows individuals to provide support by focusing on strengths not highlighting weaknesses.
Data… Now What? Session PresentationThe Instructional Planning Tool provides the “So What” after teachers analyze student data. The tool will provide teachers with the resources and support necessary to plan differentiated instruction for their students both individually and collaboratively after data analysis has occurred. The tool can be utilized by individual teachers, PLCs, and school leaders to create, support, and monitor the remediation or enrichment of students based on assessment data.
Leadership Team Dashboard Gallery WalkThis session provides relevance to all school leaders who recognize the importance of leveraging the capacity of their leadership team. The Leadership Team Dashboard, through the use of authentic structures and resources, allows for coherence in shaping and monitoring a consistent school-wide vision of student success.
Taking Teacher Leadership to the Next Level Gallery WalkHow do you cultivate leadership in others? Our principal design team has built a platform that can be customized to increase teacher collaboration. Come find out how you can build teacher leadership within collaborative planning. During this breakout session, participants will review a tool that will engage teacher leaders to elevate their work, enhance distributive leadership, and build teacher and learning capacity.