

Social Justice Training to Combat Inequities

The 2020–21 school year was grueling in a variety of ways. During a time of pandemic and social-political upheaval, schools felt the impact on their social-emotional landscape. Upon their fall 2020 return to campus from COVID-19 closure, educators and school leaders began to suspect that great work needed to be done. Northwest High School’s Story […]

Roundtable: Safe, Accepted, and Free

There is often discussion among principals about how to create an inclusive culture within their schools for LGBTQ+ students. However, creating an inclusive school also means creating an inclusive workplace where all employees—including principals—are safe, accepted, and free from discrimination or harassment. In June 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed in Bostock v. Clayton County […]

Social Justice Training to Combat Inequities

The 2020–21 school year was grueling in a variety of ways. During a time of pandemic and social-political upheaval, schools felt the impact on their social-emotional landscape. Upon their fall 2020 return to campus from COVID-19 closure, educators and school leaders began to suspect that great work needed to be done. Northwest High School’s Story […]

Advocacy Agenda: October 2021

As part of NASSP’s commitment to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in all K–12 schools, the LGBTQ+ School Leaders Network was launched to provide a safe place to meet, network, share, converse, and explore opportunities for the future. Dustin Miller, one of the network’s founders, and Kody Colvin, an active member, share what the network […]

Legal Matters: September 2021

While you may not come across it daily, the Equal Protection Clause (EPC) of the 14th Amendment is a big part of why our modern education system looks the way it does. By exploring how courts have applied the EPC in legal challenges to educational policies, we can understand how the law might view educational […]


NASSP has collected resources to help support the health, safety, identity, and rights of LGBTQ+ students, educators, and school leaders. We hope they will be useful as you implement equitable policies in your school communities, and we invite you to share these resources with your peers. NASSP position statement: LGBTQ+ Students and Educators GLSEN local […]

Roundtable: April 2021

As a principal, you know that listening to student voice is an important component of the job. Students, after all, should have a say in what they do in school. But has the pandemic changed the way we look at student voice? Has it been harder to hear our students? To find out, we reached […]

Advocacy Agenda: March 2021

Every day, we receive new information that builds the evidence that comprehensive sex education is necessary for providing young people with the information they need to ensure their lifelong sexual health and well-being. Last October, a highly anticipated comprehensive literature review, “Three Decades of Research: The Case for Comprehensive Sex Education,” was published in the […]

Building Connections Through Storytelling

“Let me tell you a story…” In the fall of 2020, educators in my school community had not been together in one building since we left school on Friday, March 13, 2020. Despite summer-developed safety plans, seating protocols, mask-wearing, and 6-foot desk spacings, teachers in my building were nervous about returning to school. Here we […]