School of Thought Blog

With content from practicing school leaders and education experts, our School of Thought Blog offers a wealth of information and research on emergent education issues.

Advocacy Update

This Week in National Principals Month

The last full week of National Principals Month (NPM) is loaded with activities and opportunities for school leaders!

October 23 webinar: State Efforts to Elevate Principals

  • Join us for a special webinar hosted by the Council of Chief State School Officers as we examine what the next steps are for states implementing their ESSA plans. The webinar will also offer a unique look into different ways NASSP works to help all principals. You can register for the event here.


Swapping Coins and Talking Choice with Betsy DeVos

Guest post by Tom Dodd

It was an honor to help facilitate the 2017 NASSP National Principals Institute, assist with Principal of the Year finalist interviews, and attend the awards ceremony. It brought back great memories of last year’s Institute, the outstanding leaders I was surrounded by, and my own surprise announcement as the 2017 National Principal of the Year.

It also gave me a chance to create new memories. I caught up with U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos as she left the awards ceremony after delivering her comments to the State Principals of the Year. I reintroduced myself and gave her one of my gold challenge coins. The secretary’s confidential assistant offered her coin in return, accompanied by the potential of an audience with the secretary the following morning. (I offered to bring Secretary DeVos a pumpkin spice latte if she could make it happen, my treat!) (more…)

How I’m #MakingGlobalChange

Guest post by Alexis Tisby

The NASSP Student Leadership Advisory Committee launched a global citizenship initiative in November 2016, and Alexis Tisby is one of the initiative’s global change ambassadors. She is from Lakewood, WA, and a senior at Harrison Preparatory School who has completed over 260 hours of volunteering and service in her community. In the future, she plans to major in computer science and minor in theater and art while obtaining her private pilot license.

She encourages others to join in on this global citizenship initiative and make global change. Local efforts count! As she shares, projects don’t have to be done on a global or international scale—the things you do locally can still contribute to making a global impact.


Building School Culture by Starting Small

Guest post by Duane Kline

I have an admission to make. It turns out that after 31 years as a public school educator, I think school culture is the most important part of schooling. More important than curriculum, more important than assessment. Additionally, its importance is not solely for the benefit of students, but for the teachers and staff members who make the school what it is for the students. (more…)

Promoting Ownership of Learning Through Student-Led Conferences

Guest post by Mike King

Located on the rolling plains of Southwest Kansas, Dodge City is a town with Wild West roots where Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and Doc Holliday used to rule the land. Today, Dodge City is less lawman and gunfighters and more meatpackers and manufacturers with Cargill Meat Solutions and National Beef as the community’s top employers. As principal of Dodge City Middle School (DCMS), I am on a constant mission to cultivate opportunities for our students to develop college and career readiness skills and help them take ownership of their learning.  (more…)

Advocacy Update

This Week in National Principals Month

As October continues moving along, so do the numerous events for National Principals Month (NPM). That is why each weekly Advocacy Update in October will feature a breakdown of the upcoming weekly events so you don’t miss out on these special opportunities:

October 11

  • 8:00–9:00 p.m. Principals and Personal Wellness—During this Twitter chat, we will address the common stressors for education leaders, as well as provide recommendations for becoming a healthy school leader. Please follow #ThankAPrincipal to participate.


10 Tips for Growing Your PLN—It’s Not Just Books and Conferences

Guest post by Heather Daubert

Several years ago, a colleague asked what professional book I was reading. I rattled off the name of a popular educational author and then shared that my greatest professional growth came through my professional learning network (PLN). The response from my colleague left me with feelings of inadequacy. Was I viewed as an ill-informed administrator because I sought professional growth from non-traditional avenues? Even though I could articulate the thinking of highly respected peers, because it did not come from a book, was it not valued?  (more…)

Happy National Principals Month!

We know how important school leaders are to the success of their schools and students, yet they often don’t get the appreciation that they deserve for their efforts. Because we believe in the critical role of principals, our organizations—NASSP, the National Association of Elementary School Principals, and the American Federation of School Administrators—have once again declared October as National Principals Month. (more…)

Advocacy Update

National Principals Month is Finally Here!

Please join NASSP, the National Association of Elementary School Principals, and the American Federation of School Administrators in honoring our nation’s principals during National Principals Month! Throughout October, our organizations urge schools, states, and government officials to make a concerted effort to recognize the impact principals have on student achievement and school success, and show their appreciation for these tireless leaders. There are countless ways to participate and show your support for school leaders! (more…)

Prohibiting Student Protest Challenges the Very Purpose of School

By JoAnn Bartoletti

The current controversy over athletes taking a knee during the national anthem has reignited the debate over appropriate student expression. In terms of student rights, there seems little to discuss. Courts have affirmed and reaffirmed that students do not check their First Amendment rights at the schoolhouse gate, and speech cannot be curtailed unless it creates a material disruption to the educational process. (more…)

School Leadership Starts at Home

Guest post by Steve Carlson

This year, the Carlson family finally all takes the same path in the morning. Now that my youngest is in kindergarten, my wife, three children, and I spend our days in the Sandusky Community School District. I know that many others have enjoyed this experience, but having it happen in our family has given me a new perspective. For starters, it is nice to know that the long hours I put in as Sandusky Junior/Senior High School principal have a direct impact on my family. More than this, having my entire family under the same “school roof” has motivated me to lead our school to benefit all families and taught me some valuable lessons. (more…)

Creating Time for Teacher Collaboration 

Guest post by Scott Long

It is the sixth and final period, and I am in the midst of my third pep assembly of the day. Two-hundred seventh graders are shouting and raising their hands, hoping I will call their name for a 7-on-7 football-bowling competition. Beyond the high-octane atmosphere of the gym, there are eight seventh-grade teachers engaging in content-area-specific data protocol to help drive future instructional decisions. Although not nearly as fast-paced as football-bowling, these PLC meetings have a similar level of enthusiasm. As I facilitate the final assembly of the day, I take great comfort in knowing that we are supporting our teachers with the gift of time. (more…)

Advocacy Update

National Principals Month Starts Next Week!

National Principals Month is just one week away! October marks a time for organizations, teachers, students, parents, legislators, and the community to celebrate the great work of principals across the country. NASSP, the National Association of Elementary School Principals, and the American Federation of School Administrators have a number of activities planned, including congressional resolutions recognizing the celebration; principal shadowing visits; a video contest that gives students the opportunity to thank principals for all of their hard work; and much more.


Why Getting Mugged by a Blockhead is a Good Thing for Teacher Retention

Guest post by Melissa D. Hensley

Central High School, an 800-student school in rural Woodstock, VA, has felt the effects of the national teacher shortage this year. We replaced a third of our staff as teachers left for higher paying jobs or relocated to take positions closer to their family. This high turnover rate alarmed us and caused our staff to discuss the impact of teacher turnover and develop a teacher-led strategic plan to increase retention. These efforts have led to a renewed commitment from our teachers to support each other and strengthen our school community.  (more…)

Advocacy Update

National Principals Month Is Just Two Weeks Away!

Two weeks from today marks the beginning of 2017’s National Principals Month. October is a time for organizations, teachers, students, parents, legislators, and the community to celebrate the great work of principals across the country. NASSP, the National Association of Elementary School Principals, and the American Federation of School Administrators have a number of activities planned, including congressional resolutions recognizing the celebration; principal shadowing visits; a video contest that gives students the opportunity to thank principals for all of their hard work; and much more. (more…)

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