School of Thought Blog

With content from practicing school leaders and education experts, our School of Thought Blog offers a wealth of information and research on emergent education issues.

Progress Made on Closing the Digital Divide

As all principals know, changes in how the world connects has made a significant impact on the way we organize school records, communicate with parents, and collaborate with other educators. But it has perhaps most greatly affected how students conduct research and complete group projects and other school assignments, which puts students who don’t have broadband internet at home at a great disadvantage. Many are calling this new digital divide the “homework gap,” and ultimately it can impact their academic success.

As a member of the Education and Library Networks Coalition (EdLiNC), NASSP previously submitted comments to the Federal Communications Commission (more…)

Advocacy Update: Tracking ESSA

NASSP Position Statements

The NASSP Board of Directors has stated its intent to adopt position statements on A-F School Grading Systems and Online Learning. Following a 30-day public comment period, the board will vote to approve the position statements at its next meeting in May. If you have any comments or suggestions, please submit them to Amanda Karhuse, director of advocacy, at [email protected] by Thursday, March 24.

Inside the Beltway (more…)

Share Your Thoughts on Proposed Position Statements

The NASSP Board of Directors has stated its intent to adopt two new position statements on A-F school grading systems and online learning. The position statements outline guiding principles for NASSP’s advocacy and recommendations to federal, state, and local policymakers. Following a 30-day public comment period, the board will vote to approve the position statements at its next meeting in May. You can view summaries of the statements and link to them in their entirety below.

A-F School Grading Systems (more…)

Respect and Compassion for All Students

Guest post by Brad Seamer

Over the course of my administration career I have learned that my political views and personal beliefs come second to the needs of my students. Twenty-plus years in education have taught me that every student is unique, and each student carries with them a personal story that defines them. For teachers and principals to be successful in their jobs they must learn these stories and use this information to provide the best learning experience possible for all of their students.

Students should be able to enter school free of judgment from school officials and their peers. (more…)

King of the Hill

While principals were making their way to the Ignite ’16 conference last week, Acting Secretary of Education John King was busy on Capitol Hill giving testimony at two House Education and the Workforce committee hearings, and also answering questions about his qualifications at his own nomination hearing with the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. Acting Secretary King is a former principal himself, and principals received a few mentions from both Reps. Susan Davis (D-CA) and Frederica Wilson (D-FL). Details about the hearings and links to view them can be found at the bottom of this blog post.

The House committee hosted two hearings: The first focused on the president’s budget request for the U.S. Department of Education, (more…)

Advocacy Update

Inside the Beltway

What is going on in Washington?

Acting Secretary of Education John King was called to Capitol Hill three times this past week for hearings on the U.S. Department of Education’s budget and also for his confirmation. Both Reps. Frederica Wilson (D-FL) and Susan Davis (D-CA) mentioned principals during the proceedings. In the hearings, King discussed both the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the Department of Education’s budget. (more…)

Holly Ripley Is 2016 NASSP National Assistant Principal of the Year

Please join us in congratulating Holly Ripley.

Ripley, assistant principal of West Fargo High School in West Fargo, ND, has been named the 2016 NASSP National Assistant Principal of the Year. Surrounded by fellow administrators and other education leaders from around the country, Ripley was honored with the designation at NASSP’s national conference, Ignite ‘16, during the NASSP 100th anniversary luncheon.

Every year, this recognition is given to a middle level or high school assistant principal who has demonstrated schoolwide curriculum success (more…)

How Educators Can Support Grieving Students Through Learning

Concentration and learning difficulties are extremely common for people dealing with grief. This is true for adults, as well as children. However, because learning is the main work of school-aged children and teens, these common challenges pose a risk of serious academic problems.

As one grieving student explained, “It was hard because I couldn’t concentrate on my work. If I was reading, I would read the words, but I wouldn’t read the story. I would think about something else … .”

That reflects some of the typical experiences of grieving students. (more…)

Higher Ambitions Toward Higher Education: NHS and NJHS Lead the Way

This academic year, the National Honor Society (NHS) and the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) embarked on an aggressive goal: To support and increase college access and success for its members—and secondary students in general. The goal targets a White House initiative rooted in a profound statistic.

In a June 2014 Education Week article, First Lady Michelle Obama, an NHS alumna herself, wrote, “A generation ago, America had the highest percentage of college graduates in the world. But today, we’ve dropped all the way to 12th in terms of young adults.” (more…)

Your Ignite ‘16 To-Do List

It’s time to connect, innovate, and thrive at Ignite ’16! We’re looking forward to seeing you and other school leaders in Orlando this week at the only professional development event devoted exclusively to the needs of middle level and high school administrators.

To ensure that you take full advantage of the networks, education, and technology available at Ignite, check these items off your Ignite ’16 to-do list.

Bring Your Confirmation Email. If you haven’t already, you will receive a confirmation email a few days prior to the conference. (more…)

Advocacy Update

Impact Aid

In response to the notice of proposed rulemaking on Impact Aid, NASSP, together with 16 other leading education organizations, sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Education. The letter included a request that the Department update the current paper-based process for parent and pupil surveys with modern technology, saving schools and districts valuable time and money.

Inside the Beltway (more…)

NASSP Issues Feedback as ESSA Implementation Moves Forward

On January 21, NASSP, along with the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), submitted comments to the Federal Register in response to the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) request for information (RFI) on Title I of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). We requested that the Department issue regulations ensuring student growth measures are tied to state accountability systems; technical assistance for administering assessments and the timely delivery of results; guidance on measuring growth for English language learners; and technical assistance to identify effective measures to improve school quality.

In total, 369 comments were submitted from advocacy organizations, foundations, and various professionals throughout the education sector. (more…)

10 Ways Principals Can Use Twitter to Engage Stakeholders

Guest post by Dwight Carter

Before I joined the Twitterverse, I was critical of its use, and quite frankly, was turned off by the concept all together. I often read and watched what seemed like ridiculous stories of what celebrities shared about their lives—from the foods they ate, whom they had lunch with, or whom they were dating. I saw no purpose for it all. However, all that changed about five years ago when my former district embarked on a digital journey.

I had the opportunity to participate in an intense, three-day social media boot camp facilitated by Debra Jasper and Betsy Hubbard, founders of Mindset Digital. (more…)

Advocacy Update

Implementing ESSA Updates

NASSP has joined with other national education organizations to form the State and Local ESSA Implementation Network, which recently sent a letter to Acting Secretary of Education John King urging a timely, fair transition to ESSA and a collaborative process that brings all parties to the table.

Inside the Beltway

What’s going on in Washington? (more…)

30 Questions from Principal Interviews (Plus More)

Guest post by William D. Parker

Each year, I partner with other school leaders through our state principal association to work with aspiring principals or new principals as they begin their journeys in school administration. After one workshop, a participant asked, “What kinds of questions can I expect in an interview for assistant principal or principal?”

I gave a few examples, but as I thought about the question later, I began to write down the questions I remember answering in my own interviews. (more…)

President Obama Unveils His Final Budget

On February 9, President Obama released the final budget of his presidency. This comes days after congressional leaders announced that Shaun Donovan, director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), would not be invited to testify on the FY 2017 budget. As testifying is a tradition typically afforded to the director of OMB, this likely signals a looming budget and appropriations battle in the final year of Obama’s presidency.

The three education investment themes in the president’s budget are:

1) Increasing equity and excellence (more…)

Advocacy Update

Inside the Beltway

What’s going on in Washington?

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) made several important announcements this week concerning implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). On February 2, Acting Secretary of Education John King sent a follow-up letter to chief state school officers concerning the president’s Testing Action Plan, released in October. In the letter, King updated the plan to align with the requirements of ESSA and clarify that, through ESSA, states will receive funds that can be used to help develop and improve their assessment systems. (more…)

Amplifying the Voices of Principals in Washington, D.C.

Guest post by Alan Tenreiro

A few weeks ago, I traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet with John King, the acting U.S. secretary of education, and other educational and political leaders to discuss how best to amplify the voices of educators—principals, in particular—in public policy discussions.

This is no small challenge. Countless think tanks, policy centers, and other special interest groups—most far more savvy and better funded than educators—compete for a place at the policy table. Yet, as NASSP regularly reminds us, there is no substitute for hearing from actual voices from the field. (more…)

Advocacy Update

Inside the Beltway

What’s going on in Washington?

The D.C. area was hit with the biggest snowstorm in a decade, beginning on Friday, January 22, causing closures, delays, and cancellations across the city, including on Capitol Hill. But elsewhere, politicos were more concerned with the run up to the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primaries. Iowans go to the polls today, February 1, to elect the first delegates to this summer’s Democratic and Republican Conventions. The New Hampshire primaries will play out next week on February 9. (more…)

Sign of the Times: Webinars Tackle Terrorism

As we all know, your school’s success is tied to much more than student academic performance. School security, and the emotional and physical well being of your students, staff, and community, are examples of other important issues that must be managed well in our present educational and societal climate. To that end, in December, educators from around the country had the opportunity to tune in to two webinars, courtesy of NASSP, on terrorism—an all too relevant topic today.

Throughout the year, NASSP offers free professional development webinars that provide discussion and instruction on timely topics and tools for education leaders. (Fees for nonmembers vary.) (more…)

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